To; International Institute of the Juche Idea

CC; Korean Association of Social Scientists

I would like to express my thanks for inviting me to the International Internet Seminar on great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism hosted by the International Institute of the Juche Idea on the occasion of the 109th anniversary of the birthday of Comrade Kim Il Sung, the Great Leader of the Korean people and eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

In this seminar I would like to mention about the outstanding idealogical and theoretical wisdom and leadership ability of Comrade Kim Jong Un through the 8th Congress of the Workers’ party of Korea, and vitality and justness of the strategic and tactical policies put forward by the 8th Congress of the WPK.

The 8th Congress of the WPK conducted under the guidance of General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un is the significant congress to bring about a new era of leaps forward and upsurge of the Korean revolution.

The 8th Congress of the WPK which brightly illuminated the programmatic guidelines for bringing about another great upsurge in the overall Korean revolution is receiving unanimous supports and consent from the entire Korean people and world progressive peoples as it promises certainly the victorious advance and bright future of the socialist cause.

Parties in all countries set forth the lines and strategic and tactical policies to be held fast in their revolutionary struggle through party’s congresses and thus they become powerful driving force of revolution.

Thanks to the outstanding and seasoned leadership of General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Korean people achieved great victories through the strenuous struggle to carry out the fighting program put forward by the 7th Congress of the WPK under the condition of continuous severe difficulties and serious obstacles.

Today the single-hearted unity, noble revolutionary legacy bequeathed by Great Comrade Kim Il Sung and Great Comrade Kim Jong Il, has been tremendously consolidated as an integrated whole of entire party, army and people based on one idea and faith, and comradely love and loyalty thanks to the outstanding and seasoned leadership and immeasurably noble personality of great man of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

The single-hearted unity of the Korean people firmly united around General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un makes it possible for Juche Korea to shine as an impregnable bulwark and socialist fortress which nobody can provoke and no force can destroy.

The Korean people who are advancing towards a fresh victory of the revolution with firm confidence that there lies the way to victory and glory on the road following the leadership of General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un, have created history of miracle and transformation by turning the impossible to possible and making something from nothing.

Last year General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un has impregnably consolidated the quarantine front with voluntary consistency of thinking and action and completely transformed the damaged areas into cradle of happiness for people and earthly paradise of Workers’ party era in a short span of two months under the conditions of catastrophe of malignant infectious diseases sweeping over the world and successive natural disasters.

There are many nations that are proud of economic power and abundant of natural resources, but it is only the DPRK that is vigorously advancing towards building a powerful socialist nation with its firm guidelines and the entire people united solidly around their leader with one idea.

Neither any kind of difficulties and trials nor any hostile forces can block the future of the Korean people who are vigorously advancing forward for a fresh victory of socialist construction with firm conviction for the victory of socialist cause, the Juche revolutionary cause being united single-heartedly around Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

At the 8th Congress of the WPK General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un analyzed and reviewed the successes and experiences attained in the revolution and construction during the last five year period and put forward a new line and strategic and tactical policies for bringing about a new age of leaps and upsurge of the Korean revolution and for the prosperous development of the DPRK and happiness of the Korean people.

The Korean revolution will surely enter a new age of leaps and upsurges thanks to the exact and overall review on the party’s work and clear reaffirmation of the correct fighting direction and tasks for achieving greater victory of socialist cause, and providing measures for practical improvement.

The strategic and tactical policies put forward by General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un at the 8th Congress of the WPK is the fighting banner which clearly delineated the ways to achieve a fresh victory at the next stage of the struggle for the prosperous development of the DPRK and happiness of the people.

The main idea running through all the ideas and lines set forth by Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is to bravely overcome existing threats and challenges, bring about fresh leaps and achieve a certain progress in the Korean-style socialist construction by consolidating its own might, subjective force.

All the ideas and lines put forward by General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un is a programmatic guideline for achieving a fresh victory of the Korean revolution and in the implementation the socialist cause.

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the revolutionary idea of Great Comrade Kim Il Sung and Great Comrade Kim Jong Il, the founder and builder of the WPK is the banner for the everlasting victory of the Korean revolution and the cause of world independence, the truthfulness and vitality of which were verified in the practical struggle to realize the independence of the masses of the people.

The historic 8th Congress of the WPK elected Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un as General Secretary of the WPK for the strengthening and development of the party of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and a new victorious advance of the cause of Juche, and in reflection of the unanimous will and desire of the entire Korean people.

General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un is an outstanding leader of Juche revolution who achieved the most brilliant exploits for the WPK, the DPRK and the entire Korean people with gifted ideological and theoretical wisdom, extraordinary leadership ability and noble personality, and great symbol and representative of the dignified DPRK and the entire Korean people.

No people in the world are as conscientious as the Korean people who are repaying for the love and favor of their leader and party with utmost loyalty.

Although numerous challenges may block the advance of the Korean people in the future too, there can be no difficulties insurmountable for the Korean people who have achieved great successes which other people dare not to do under the worst condition and trials, and the victory is definite.

I am firmly convinced that the Juche Korea will advance more vigorously for the bright future as there are great tradition of self-reliance and self-sufficiency and indomitable people who fight through fire and water to carry through the new strategic and tactical policies put forward by General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un.

There will always be only victory and glory to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Korean people receiving the wise leadership of General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Eddie Kekana


Study Group on Progressive Ideas of South Africa

March 18, 2021

Johannesburg, South Africa