Juche Idea Will Remain to Be Great Idea

Dr. Yahia Khairallah

Director, Board of Directors,

African Regional Committee for Study of Juche Idea;

Chairman, Egyptian Committee for Study of Juche Idea

Ladies and gentlemen at the International Institute for the Study of the Juche idea in Japan ... Dear colleagues, heands of committees to study the Juche idea in the world ... The participants in the symposium held on the occasion of the President Kim Il Sung's birth.

Greetings, appreciation and respect

Allow me at the outset to send a greeting of appreciation and respect to the President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of his birthday, "The Sun's Day" ... and a message of appreciation and pride to our dear leader Kim Jong Il, who developed the Juche idea and explained it to be a human constitution for all the free people in the world ... and those looking for human independence, respect and appreciation

Ladies and Gentlemen

I think that the participants in that symposium are those who adhere to the Juche idea or are keen to study it scientifically as an idea guiding the independence of mankind, homelands and nations .. and he took the opportunity to address the vitality of the Juche idea in terms of origin and application .. In terms of its origin, we find that its founder, the President Kim Il Sung, was sincere in searching for the guiding idea ... which takes the mind and heart of the Korean people to overcome the situation he lives under the exploitation of colonialism..Perhaps the secret that made the idea of Juche a guiding idea that it stems from the Korean reality to be a guiding star to the human being anywhere .. and what is great is its vitality in the matter, comprehension of all times .. It is appropriate for the human being wherever he is on the face of the earth because it calls for the liberation of man and makes him the most precious creature .. and makes the masses of the people the owners of the revolution and construction .. and places them in the rank of heaven so that the person innovates to be the active subject of history and the maker of miracles.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The great leader Kim Jong Il developed and enriched the Juche idea, the great independence idea invented by the immortal President Kim Il Sung ... and made both the party and the state in Korea carry out their activities based on this idea.

The Juche idea was like a political philosophy that took a lifelong approach as well as a guiding idea for the issue of independence valued by the international community

This human-centered philosophy says that man determines his destiny and has the power to make it possible for him to pave the way for his destiny.

The DPRK has remained steadfast and unwavering, century after century ... its existence has taken hold thanks to the steadfast line of independence reinforced by the great idea of Juche.

The implementation of the Juche idea and making it a constitution in all political, military, economic, social and cultural fields ... gave the distinction to the Korean society to pursue socialism centered on the masses of the people thanks to the philosophy of the Juche idea .. The idea was also the true nerve of the Workers’ Party of Korea to be the workers, intellectuals, peasants, all of them and all groups of people in one melting pot .. Just as the Juche idea had a huge and even fundamental role in the approach of the great Songun policy .. to make Korea a mighty power that cannot be underestimated .. and even put the enemies in their natural place .. The idea of Juche founded and developed by the great leaders of Mount Paektu, world leaders witnessing to them the enemy before the friend ... The founder of the Juche idea, President Kim Il Sung, had a high international status ... and its developer and putter into practical implementation, and its mighty and energetic dear leader Kim Jong Il, had a prominent international status.

Ladies and Gentlemen

A good follower and observer of the DPRK's policy these days ... finds the influence of the Juche idea evident by reading what was stated in the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which was held at the beginning of this year ... to announce that this conference declares that the idea does not come out from the ground, and touching him does not achieve its goals .. The President Kim Jong Un ’s speech at the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea had a new revolutionary effect and a new approach that traditional socialism had not known before .. Honesty was the title of the president’s word .. and honesty was the way to the new era .. and disclosure was a guide for overcoming obstacles. Imperialism ... and the flag is one of the means in which the aspirations of nations are fulfilled ... The president's speech set the constitution for the launch of the Juche nation.

Thanks to the idea of Juche, the political thought of the Workers’ Party of Korea has become one of the most prominent ancient intellectual trends that takes place in the interest and thought of an unlimited number of thinkers and experts around the world, especially after the successful conclusion of the Eighth Congress of the Party, as this conference represented a party revolution touching reality, taking a development approach. New socialist ideological trends emerged from this conference, which is considered a revolution in modern socialist political thought, where the party took a new approach to confronting reality and touching it to overthrow all old ideas and open up new partisan intellectual horizons. The President Kim Jong Un , General-Secretary of the Party, also took a transparent approach among the disclosure, the way to confront the obstacles and challenges that stood in the way of achieving some of the desired goals in the required manner, which were recommended by the seventh party conference. The President Kim Jong Un confronted the Korean society with transparency and disclosure, held the condition of credibility and respect for the people to face all challenges, declaring responsibility and expressing his courage in facing challenges side by side with the Korean people, and perhaps this is a unique style of socialist leadership invented by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, We have previously indicated in several articles that the President Kim Jong Un is using a new method in political work, "the method of political shock" by declaring the facts without equivocation or deception, and confusion occurs on the other side, who finds himself facing a new political style, the slogan "Courage .. Transparency" ... credibility, "the best way to meet the challenges, and behind all this is a long arm, a mighty military force, which protects that unique style, and preserves the Korean nation and its human- centered socialism."

Ladies and Gentlemen

If we review what was stated in the opening speech of the Eighth Congress, we find that President Kim Jong Un reviewed the results of the Seventh Congress with full transparency, and confirmed that the Workers’ Party of Korea has achieved victories that will be written in letters of light in the history of the Korean nation. The party has also achieved some successes and provided great foundations that will contribute to the acceleration of building the economy and improve people's livelihood.

Nevertheless, he declared with full transparency and credibility that "despite the end of the implementation period of the five-year strategy for developing the country's economy last year, its set goals have not been achieved to a massive degree in almost all sectors."

He also stressed that "challenges of all kinds exist abroad and at home, those that hinder and hinder our efforts and our progress towards a new and continuous victory in socialist construction."

Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea did not blame natural disasters or an unjust blockade, but held the Korean self-responsible for realizing the dream despite all obstacles, confronting oneself, adopting knowledge and disclosure as a way to solve all problems, placing confidence in the party, the people and the army in achieving the dream. Al-Kouri by analyzing and revealing facts, such as what are the errors in the process of implementing the decisions of the Seventh Party Congress, the quality of failure to perform what can be performed, what work has been done effectively or in a formal manner, what is the cause of the error, if any, and what is the defect in the party direction .

It is frankness and disclosure, is noy this a radical change in socialist policy? Perhaps I hereby predict that President Kim Jong Un will create a new approach in Korean socialism, adhering to its authenticity again in its spirit, form and methods of implementation to keep pace with reality and proceed in the path of development and progress, taking the Korean people as the center of it like his predecessor, searching for the inherent strength of the Korean citizens

Ladies and Gentlemen

Before I finish my speech .. I want to review the experiences and lessons in the work of the Egyptian committee for study the idea of Juche .. For nearly twenty years ago it was established .. to take science as a path for it by studying the Korean reality and the effect of the idea on it .. to guide the thought in the definition of human value and independence ... and make him an indomitable force ... armed with the great Juche idea... We have studied all the books of President Kim Il Sung, Leader Kim Jong Il and President Kim Jong Un..and we have conducted many researches and studies ... and wrote books .. and a decade Hundreds of seminars to explain what the idea is and its impact on the progressive countries of the world .. The idea also allowed us to study the great Songun idea, which represents a title of human dignity in this world .. We also made a comparative study between the idea of Juche and other philosophical ideas .. And it became clear to us the greatness and importance of the Juche idea for the whole international community to benefit from it .. And we found that there is no escape from the idea of Juche, to be applied in a way that suits the countries, each according to his own circumstances .. The idea is a loose garment that fits all times, places and cultures because it takes from man a goal as the most precious creature on the earth

Ladies and Gentlemen

In Egypt, we are grateful for that idea and who created it, who developed it, and who renewed its dress to keep pace with global changes .. so it would be a great idea .. All Arab countries would benefit from it .. each would suit their circumstances .. Finally, I congratulate President Kim Jong un for his success in confronting them. The global epidemic of the Corona virus, as well as the imperialist epidemic that is no less dangerous than the Corona virus ... because it tries to harness and enslave people by force ... and even brags about demanding human rights and is the first to violate them ... with the nuclear bomb ... and colonialism ... and the systemic global prisons ... and robbing the country everywhere .. As for the idea of Juche, it has made people a value and placed the masses of the people in the sky .. My sincere appreciation to the Korean people, leadership and people, and the idea of Juche will remain as great as those who created it, who developed it, and who made it in a new dress.