First of all, let me congratulate all the participants who are taking part in the Online International Seminar on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism on the occasion of the 109th Birth Anniversary of the our Eternal President Kim Il Sung, and kindly allow me to express my humble gratitude to all of those who are working hard for research work and dissemination of the Juche Idea, the greatest ideology in the world.

President Kim ll Sung, the Great Leader of the Korean people and founder of modern Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was an outstanding leader who devoted all his life to the cause of the Independence of the people by creating the Juche Idea, he developed the revolutionary ideas of the working class to a new and higher level and opened up new era in history, the era of independence.

With his great and seasoned leadership, he guided the Korean Revolution to victory, liberating Korea and safeguarding national sovereignty.

He built the superb Korean - style people- centered socialism, and made a great contribution to the International revolutionary movement.

The revolutionary ideas of President Kim ll Sung correctly reflected the requirements of the Juche Idea, a new higher stage of historical development, which was ushered in by the protracted struggle of the masses for the independence, they represented the Juche Idea.

The revolutionary ideas of President Kim Il Sung are the guiding ideology that represents the ideal society of humanity. In which the independence of the masses is completely materialized, as well as the present era.

The revolutionary ideas of President Kim Il Sung, the laws of building an ideal society of humanity, and the ideology, the social relations and the material and economic conditions to be established in that society have been elucidated scientifically.

The modelling the whole society on the Juche Idea is important man is the master of nature and society.

Today independent forces are expanding worldwide and becoming a great trend in we can say People’s straggles for anti-imperialism and independence in the world are advancing as a whole, despite difficulties they are confronted with. Imperialism has been weakened and driven into a critical movement in the trend of global independence.

Juche Idea was founded by President Kim Il Sung and systematized, developed and enriched by Chairman Kim Jong ll.

Similarly, Songun politics that has its origin in armed struggle waged by President Kim Il Sung, was carried out fully as the national struggle by Chairman Kim Jong Il.

In this respect, the victory of the Juche Idea and Songun politics is that of the struggle led by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong ll. That victory is Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

It is the whole system of the revolutionary thoughts of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong ll based on the Juche Idea.

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism had already been clarified in terms of ideo-theoretical correctness that strength and correctness of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism has been proved not only its ideo-theoretical accuracy but also by the way how the Korean people are waging their struggle impressively as the dignified masters of the nation.

The victory of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism find expression in the fact that the DPRK has smashed the imperialist machinations in an attempt to provoke wars on the Korean Peninsula, thus maintaining peace there and in the rest of the Asian countries.

Further, the victory of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism finds expression in that the Korean people have built up one-minded unity of the leader, party and the masses, along with rearing the younger generation to be the main force of the revolution.

The respected Kim Jong Un, General Secretary, Workers’ Party of Korea, expresses that the DPRK will advance in the direction of modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and will take responsibility for the fulfillment of global independence while strengthening her struggle against imperialism.

General Secretary Kim Jong Un calls for the world people to wage struggles for getting rid of hard lines and double standards of the imperialist forces that trample down sovereignty and the rights of living of their nations, and denouncing injustice, thus ensuring equality and justness of their own a positive manner.

The DPRK will advance along the path of socialism straightforwardly, and thus play a role of forerunner in the struggle for global independence as the defender of independence and justice.

In an effort to make the DPRK and the rest of the countries in the world independent, General Secretary Kim Jong Un specifies that the WPK would be enhanced as the party of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The Juche Idea serves as the most righteous guiding ideology in the struggle for independence.

The progressive figures around the world should stand in the van of the struggle for making their countries and the world independence.

The era of independence requires first that the people depend their independence and make their countries independent and secondly that the independent forces unite to fight against imperialism and dominationism making the world independent.

Making each country independent democratizing the international relations and materializing durable peace of the world are an important task faced by the struggle for global independence.

Without the fight against imperialism we cannot safeguard the independence of our country and nation.

The look and new developments of the DPRK under the wise leadership of the General Secretary Kim Jong Un and the policies and guidelines put forward at the 8th Congress of the WPK greatly encourage the people around the world fighting against imperialism.

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism at present serves to be the most Powerful ideology that can give the people the awareness of being the masters of the cause of independence.

It is the ideology which thoroughly depends and materializes the independence to the end. It’s validity and vitality have been proved to the full by the history and reality of the DPRK.

So, each country should disseminate the guiding ideology of the era of independence to its People in order to advance the struggle for the cause of independence. It is foremost process to organize in each country a group for the study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The Juche Idea researchers of each country, should study Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism in relation to the reality of their own and contribute to making each country independent and peaceful.

The Juche Idea researchers in the world have continued to perform the study and dissemination of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as a guiding ideal the era of independence and exert every effort to make their own countries independent.

The world socialist countries leaders and progressive people in the world should reminded those concerned of their own work that can be proud, encouraging them to go further with firmer determination to push forward their future activities.

Our duty to contribute to global independence by disseminating Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

I sincerely wish and extend firm solidarity to the courageous Korean people great success and victory one after another in their struggle to implement resolutions and aims set forward at the 8th Congress and the 2nd Plenary Meeting of the 8th WPK Central Committee under the dynamic leadership of the respected General Secretary.


W.A. Duminduwardane. JP.

Deputy Director General - ARIJI.

President - SLSSRS.

17th March,2021