Greet and Congratulate the 8th Congress

of the Workers' Party of Korea !

C.P. Mainali

General Secretary of the

Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist)

Chairman of the

Nepal National Memorial Commission

for President Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il”

The Workers' Party of Korea is a great and glorious revolutionary Party of Korea founded by the Great Leader, President KIM IL SUNG in October 10, 1945. It is the Juche Idea guided revolutionary Party founded by Great Leader KIM IL SUNG. This Party has the pride of being led by Great Leader KIM IL SUNG and by Dear Leader KIM JONG IL for more than 50 Years.

This great and glorious revolutionary Party, the WPK successfully convened its 8 th Congress in Pyongyang in January 5-12, 2021. The 8 th Congress of the WPK marks a watershed in the history of the ever advancing, deep-going and comprehensive Korean revolution. Most of the credit of the successes of the Party and the revolution, goes to the great leader President KIM IL SUNG, Chairman KIM JONG IL and General Secretary KIM JONG UN. Let us greet and congratulate the General Secretary Comrade KIM JONG UN and the successful 8 th Congress of the WPK.

The 8 th Party Congress was conducted for 8 glorious days from 5 to 12 January. Among the agenda of the Congress, these were important ones: the inauguration session, report, the adoption of the Resolution of 2 the Congress, elections of the core of the central leadership, the Central Committee and other central organs of the Party, the concluding session. All went smoothly, the inauguration in the 5th of January and conclusion in the 12 th . Not only the Communists and revolutionary people of Korea but also the sincere Communists and progressive people across the world rejoiced the successful conclusion of the 8th Congress of the WPK.

On January 5, 2021 Comrade KIM JONG UN took the platform of the Congress and put up a sign-post of the 8th Party Congress, which was cheered by all the participants of the congress. It was regarded a kind of victory to the Party and the Korean revolution, as it was being convened only within five years after the 7 th Congress (May 9, 2016) whereas the 7 th Congress had convened after 27.5 plus years after the 6th Congress (October 10, 1980).

The first agenda was the review of the work of the 7th central committee of the WPK and setting the plan for the coming five years for comprehensively building of Korean style socialism, which were comprised in the Report delivered by respected leader Comrade KIM JONG UN at the Congress. The Report was seriously studied and discussed in inter-sector consultative meetings within the Congress. The resolution drafting Committee summed up the creative and constructive opinions of the participants.

The resolution has also noted the shortcomings and mistakes manifested while implementing the decisions of the 7 th Congress and put-forth the practical ways for setting them right after serious consultations. It has demonstrated the unshakable intention of the 8th Congress of the WPK to correct and overcome the mistakes for the 3 development of the Party and the Korean type of socialism.

The resolution has very clearly stated that believing in the people as in Heaven and the ideas of single- minded unity and self-reliance, millions of Party members, service personnel and the people have achieved tremendously in comprehensively building Korean type socialism. The resolution has also set program and goals for coming five years to struggle and attain big achievements in all fields including economy, national defense, culture and management of the state and society.

The 8 th Party Congress has unanimously adopted the resolution and decided to implement it by arousing the people and the all sections of the Korean Society. The 8th Congress has reinstated the high-post of the General Secretary and elected respected Marshal KIM JONG UN unanimously to it. It has also elected a trustworthy central Committee of the Party as the headquarters of the revolution under the respected General Secretary Comrade KIM JONG UN and other Central Party organs.

The Workers' Party of Korea has developed into a Kimilsungist- Kimjongilist revolutionary Party devoted to making Korean people happy with an improved living condition and ample supply of consumer goods by developing Korean type socialism, building strong deterrence to all violent threats and unbeatable defense power and peace around the DPRK and across the world.

The 8 th Congress of the WPK has taken a bold stride towards the above mentioned goals. We are confident that under the leadership of the WPK, guided by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and headed by the General Secretary Marshal KIM JONG UN, DPRK will go on 4 advancing towards its lofty goals of maintaining peace, defending justice, building prosperous and modern Korean type socialism and the bright Communism.