- President KIM IL SUNG and Idea Juche

Fil. Vasile Orleanu

President of the National Socialist Committee

President of the Romanian National Study Committee IDEA JUCHE

Dear friends,

Dear comrades,

Ladies and gentlemen.

Before entering the topic,

I would like to thank His Excellency, Comrade KIM JONG UN, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and we assure him of our high appreciation for the interest shown and the support given to the international socialist movement, by organizing activities to arm and strengthen the relations between our study organizations – Juche Idea-, between political parties, between politicians with socialist, progressive orientation.

Thank you and best regards to the Korean Association of Social Scientists, as well as the leadership of the European Study Committee of Juche Idea.

Dear friends,

The proposed topic is of particular importance and must be treated with deep respect for the father of the Korean Nation and founder of Juche Idea, Comrade KIM IL SUNG, we must admit that a study about this topic requires time, guidance and much respect.

The life and activity of such a personality cannot be included in a page or two, it is a guide in socialist philosophy and in-depth studies considering his vast military and political activity, only his autobiography has 8 volumes of 5000 pages , the materials presented during his life amount to over 10,000 and are printed in over 100 volumes, also in the field of culture a series of studies and literary work, some of them being screened.

Comrade KIM IL SUNG was born in April 15 th , 1912 in the small village of Mangyongdae in a family of anti-Japanese fighters.

In 1925, KIM IL SUNG left his country with the firm determination not to return home before gaining national independence.

In October of the following year, he organized the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU), which was made up of revolutionaries from a new generation of Koreans. The formation of the DIU, whose immediate task was to overthrow the Japanese imperialists and to achieve the liberation and independence of Korea, marked a new starting point for the struggle for national liberation in Korea.

The Japanese imperialists, during their military occupation of Korea from 1905 to 1945, killed one million Koreans, forcing 8.4 million young and middle-aged Koreans to use them as laborers in inhuman conditions of torture. through starvation and torture to exhaustion, they forcibly took 200,000 Korean girls and young women to serve as sex slaves for their army. They robbed Korea of its cultural resources and properties and banned Koreans from using their spoken and written language, even forcing them to change their Japanese- style names.

On April 25, 1932, Comrade KIM IL SUNG founded the Korean People's Revolutionary Army, the predecessor of the current Korean People's Army. With the establishment of the KPRA, the Korean people managed to intensify the struggle for national liberation with their own armed forces.

In order to stimulate the whole nation to the sacred war of liberation and to unite them in a single force, he formed the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland in May 1936.

General KIM IL SUNG led the 15-year armed struggle against the Japanese to victory. His initial military idea was that the numerical, military and technical superiority of the enemy should be defeated through political and ideological training, a new tactical strategy of the revolutionary army.

Under the wise and skillful command of the Great Fighter KIM IL SUNG turned a tragedy of his nation into a great victory, KPRA dealt a heavy blow to the enemy in every battle. Its definition of guerrilla warfare as a basic form of the national liberation struggle in colonial countries has a special historical significance. It was like a protean strategy that could defeat the enemy with less force, while maintaining the initiative, although it had no state backing or support from a regular army. Its policies to combine large unit operations appropriately with small unit actions and to establish semi-guerrilla zones in parallel with liberated zone-type guerrilla zones were exceptional strategic and tactical methods that made active deployment possible of armed struggle.

The Korean people presented themselves in the sacred struggle against the Japanese, seeing him as the Sun of the nation and as the savior of liberation.

Indeed, he is the father of the Korean nation revived a nation that was on the verge of extinction. Through armed struggle, under the leadership of the illustrious strategist, the Korean nation was liberated on August 15, 1945, from the yoke of the most ferocious colonial exploitation, the yoke of Japanese fascism.

The heroes of the Korean People's Army, the skill in organizing and giving the people in battle under the command of General KIM IL SUNG will forever remain alive in the memory of the history books, a bright light in the minds of progressive forces and the Korean people.

From a legendary military strategist to the brilliant visionary politician

Comrade KIM IL SUNG gave a historic speech “The Path of the Korean Revolution” in the Kalun meeting which was held on June 30-July 2,1930.

In his speech, he clarified the principles of the Juche idea, which is known worldwide today as the guiding ideology of the independence era, advanced the line of the anti-Japanese armed struggle based on the Songun idea. The political line served as an ideological and spiritual flag of the Korean revolutionaries, as it indicated that the cause of national liberation could only be achieved by relying on oneself and waging an armed struggle, not depending on others or taking a peaceful approach.

The expansion of the revolutionary struggle of the popular masses after World War II makes new independent states appear on the world map, some of them going the way of Sovietization as happened in Central and Eastern Europe and we do not intend to discuss the division that the great powers did it.

With the disappearance of important leaders in the USSR Lenin. Stalin, and the rise to power of others with a new, expansionist vision of Nichita Khrushchev, and with his imprinting of an imperialist character on the policy of the Soviet state.

Comrade KIM IL SUNG was forced to take measures to defend the young socialist state. Thus, after a deep analysis, he develops a new class philosophy with a clear destiny, for the Korean people, the doctrine - Idea Juche - meant to consolidate and defend the independence of the Korean state.

Juche Idea, beyond the idea of simple independence, as Comrade KIM IL SUNG pointed out, it can be defined as independence in politics, confidence in one's own economic forces, self-defense in the military. Philosophy -Juche Idea- was first mentioned in 1955. Here is a brief characterization of this doctrine uttered by its very creator, Comrade KIM IL SUNG: "Revolution and the construction of socialism are conscious human activities… Juche's ideology is based on the idea that revolution and the construction of socialism is in the hands of each individual, who, thinking and doing everything, focusing on the revolution in his own country, appropriating his point of view and attitude that all problems can be solved by his own talents and initiatives, is responsible and aware of its own acts… The party and the people of a country are the sole masters of the revolution in that country. ” it imprinted on Juche ideology a strong nationalist character. Materialist philosophy has blurred the socio-historical conception of dialectical materialism, of historical materialism, by applying the general legitimacies of the development of the material world to social history. The Idea Juche philosophy clarified the essential qualities of man, which radically distinguish man from other beings, elucidated the special position of man and his role as master of the world, able to transform it, man is the master of the world and plays the decisive role in its transformation, through this brought about a radical change in thinking and attitudes about social history.

After 1994, Comrade KIM JONG IL, succeeded the leadership of the Party and State continued to develop and apply the Juche Idea enriching it with elements of military ethics which is particularly important, based on the Songun political doctrine, it is a very strong guarantee of maintaining independence and independence. D. P. R. Korea is one of the few nations that can enjoy real independence

In conclusion, in order to be fully informed in the conditions in which the life and activity of Comrade KIM IL SUNG, the illustrious hero of the Korean nation of the last century cannot be included on a few pages, I warmly recommend you to go through your personal Autobiography discoveries not only of biographical history but also of the hard work, struggle and toil of an entire people, the merit of having conquered and consolidating the country's independence in a world dominated by imperialism, have the merit of not having returned to capitalist slavery then. When many nations that had stepped on the path of historical and social progress did so, but went further, on the path of their own path in which the capitalist mode of production based on wage slavery was left somewhere far behind.



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