Address: Kolon PS 21 - 1. Ezkerra

20002 Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain

Tel.: +34-656780829

E-mail: treveraritz@hotmail.com

Dear comrades of the Board of Directors,

Dear comrades of the Secretariat,

International Institute of the Juche Idea,

On behalf of the Juche Idea Study Group of the Basque Country and the Korean Friendship Association in the Basque Country, I would like to send you all the best wishes on the occasion of the 109th birthday of our great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, Eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Comrade Kim Il Sung began his revolutionary activities at very early age, organizing the Korean communists, nationalists, patriots, different religious devotees, and progressive peoples –ones thought to be enemies with each other– in the common goal to liberate the country. He founded the first organization of new type, to achieve not only national liberation, but also class liberation. With the knowledge that the sword is fought with the sword, and the rifle with the rifle, he led the allpeople resistance and armed struggle until the Japanese imperialists surrender in 1945.

After liberation, he gathered the will of all the workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals, youth and other working people of Korea, and founded the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 1948. The new Korea faced another imperialist aggression soon after its conception, with the invasion of the US imperialists and their poppets. A harsh 3 yearlong all-people war was lead to victory by Comrade General Kim Il Sung.

Ones the laborious postwar reconstruction concluded, the Korean working class turned the DPRK into a socialist industrial state in a very short period of time, with the revolutionary spirit of selfreliance, riding fast the legendary speed of Chollima.

At the fraction of the international communist movement, the Workers’ Party of Korea maintained its independence, opposing the worship of big powers, dogmatism, modern revisionism, factionalism, and foreign interference, defining the modelling of the whole society on the Juche idea as the general task of the Korean revolution, carrying forward the three revolutions: the ideological, the technical and the cultural revolutions.

The President found an original and successful solution to the historical problem of the succession of the leadership of the Revolution, to safeguard socialism, the supreme interest of the country and nation, and to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Even though Comrade Kim Il Sung physically left us in 1994, the Korean people and we, the World progressive people, maintain him deep in our hearts. When, almost, all the socialist countries of the glove restored capitalism, the US and other imperialists ran wild to stifle the DPRK, bastion of Juche-based socialism, boasting about “the end of history”. Our dear leader Comrade Kim Jong Il turned the Arduous March and the Forced March into the drive to build a powerful socialist State, establishing the Songun idea, defining the Korean People’s Army as the main force of the revolution and construction, to continue the steps of the President.

Comrade General Kim Jong Il adhered to the brilliant solution to the issue of the succession of the leadership of the Revolution, proposed by Comrade President Kim Il Sung, and although our dear leader left us due to a sudden illness caused by excessive mental and physical work for the people, again the Korean and World progressive people held up Comrade Kim Jong Il as our eternal leader.

Now, our dear respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, true to the cause of Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il, carries on the socialist construction, having completed the historic building of the national nuclear armed forces.

Today, the Korean workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals, youth and other working people are building a great socialist civilization, exemplary for all the workers of the World, implementing the decisions made at the historic Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Trever Aritz Ubillos Hill

Director of the Juche Idea Study Group of the Basque Country

Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain

23 rd of March, Juche 110 (2021)