Let Us Activate South-South Cooperation for Economic Self-Sufficiency Clarified By Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism

Souleymane Bah,

Chief of Senegal Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

First of all, I pay high tributes to His Excellency President Kim Il Sung and His Excellency Kim Jong Il who provided the humankind with the Juche idea.

In the middle of last century the third world countries freed themselves from the imperialist colonial domination and subordination and gained freedom and independence. However, they took over the backwardness and poverty, the colonial aftermath as they were.

To enable the people who held their destiny in their hands to enjoy a genuine life, economy should be developed so that they could lead a stable material life. However, even today when decades have passed since their independence, economic life in the third world countries has not reached the proper level.

Of course, numerous achievements were made in the struggle of the third world countries to develop their outdated and backward economy.

Investment and aid given by the developed countries brought some changes to our living environment.

But increasing investment leads to tremendous debt and aid fails to render decisive help in eliminating our poverty.

It is the reasonable truth of social life that a poor debtor tries to read face of a creditor. Everyone knows that economic subjugation results in political subordination.

Economic self-sufficiency is the way out.

For economic self-sufficiency, we have to join efforts and strengthen cooperation and exchange.

The third world countries have vast human capacity, rich resources, good techniques and experiences.

It is possible for the third world countries to be well off when they promote economic and technical cooperation by exchanging good experiences and techniques with each other on the principle of collective self-reliance and complementing one another.

This is a path already clarified by His Excellency President Kim Il Sung.

Africa aspiring after independence, justice, development and prosperity have now taken the road to unity and economic integration based on pan-Africanism.

I think it is a reliable way for the third world countries in the above-mentioned situation to strengthen cooperation and exchange by uniting and relying on their strength in order to realize the economic self-sufficiency.

On the globe there is the DPRK that freed itself from colony and stands high by its own efforts as our exemplary country.

The DPRK has been developed on the strength of single-hearted unity and self-reliance by applying Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The DPRK are now advancing further by dint of single-hearted unity and self-reliance.

The DPRK invariably follows the road of the South-South cooperation while adding lustre to its dignity on the basis of the self-sufficient economy without being unaffected by such harsh sanctions and blockade.

Availing myself of this opportunity, I express my heartfelt thanks to His Excellency Kim Jong Un, the General Secretary of the WPK and to the DPRK that advances in the van of the third world holding aloft the banner of the single-hearted unity and self-reliance.

The DPRK’s reality shows that the third world countries can achieve development and prosperity and defend independence and justice by attaining economic self-sufficiency only when they follow the road indicated by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

I appeal the third world countries to strengthen unity and cooperation for economic self-sufficiency by applying in conformity with situation of their countries Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the guide to action and the great practical programme.

I insist that the best choice is to activate the South-South cooperation.