KIM IL SUNG: The Brilliant Banner of Juche

Dr. Manju Ratna Sakya

President, the Nepal Journalists Association

Chief Editor, Arpan Weekly

On the occasion of the 109 th birth anniversary of the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG, on behalf of the Nepal Journalists Association and NJA for Studying Juche idea and Songun Policy, we would like to express highest tribute and sincere respect to the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG.

The Juche idea is the great ideology that forms the quintessence of the revolutionary ideas of the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG. It represents the system of the idea, theory and method of Juche. In other words, the revolutionary idea of President KIM IL SUNG constitutes an integral system which comprises the Juche idea discovered for the first time in the history of man and the theory and method clarified by this idea in relation to the revolution and construction.

All the thoughts and theories of Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG proceed from the Juche idea and embody it.

The Juche idea is the guiding ideology which shows the popular masses the way of freeing themselves not only from national and class oppression and exploitation but also from all sorts of fetters to enjoy an independent and creative life as genuine masters of their own destiny. The Juche idea supplies the guiding principle of the revolution and the method of finding the correct solution to all problems arising in the revolution and construction.

The characteristic of the Juche idea is that this idea is not only a man-centred philosophical thought but also a thorough revolutionary philosophy, a political philosophy.

The Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG, despite his very busy engagements in Party and state activities, granted us audience as well as direct interview at Chongjin on 19 th June, 1979 and the way he intimately embraced me by calling me as an old friend left indelible imprint on my heart. I felt very lucky to have a great opportunity with the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG face to face and heart to heart talk. This can never be effaced from my memory. This day is, therefore, a very important day in my life.

The Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG answered all of my questions. Before answering of my questions, the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG told me.

“Ideally, I should have met you in Pyongyang. But as I am in the midst of a provincial tour of guidance, I had no choice but to ask you to come all the way out here. I am very sorry about this. I hope you will understand.

Anyway, let me bid you a hearty welcome to our country.

I would like to express my thanks to you for your sterling efforts to promote friendship between the Korean and Nepalese peoples and for the active support and encouragement you have given our people.

I am especially grateful to you, the Chairman of the Nepalese Journalists Association, for your positive support and encouragement to the Korean people's struggle for national reunification and socialist construction, and also for the 3 congratulatory messages you have sent me on several occasions. Although this is my first meeting with you, I feel as if I am meeting an old friend.

Today's meeting has made us close friends. I offer you my thanks for the kind words you have spoken about this country and about myself. I am also grateful for your active support to our people's cause of national reunification.”

Likewise, I also get the opportunity to put the questions before the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG on 29th November, 1990 in Pyongyang.

The Juche idea is a great idea and it is very popular in each and every country of the world including Nepal. I am extremely happy to say that there are many Juche followers in Nepal and they want to study further more on the Juche idea.

Peace-loving and progressive journalists of Nepal have established “NJA for Studying the Juche Idea and Songun Policy” on the occasion of the “Day of the Sun”, April 15, the birthday of President KIM IL SUNG on 15 th April, 2010 in Kathmandu to disseminate on an extensive scale the Juche idea and Songun policy.

We have also established the “Juche Idea Study Centre”. It is widely known as “Saturday Breakfast Meeting” among the journalists of Nepal.

“Arpan” Weekly, since last 56 years, is continuously publishing different articles on the DPRK including the great achievements of President KIM IL SUNG, Great Leader KIM JONG IL and Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN in each and every Friday issue in both English and Nepali languages.

I am the first Nepali citizen who received the degree of Doctor from DPRK on the subject of “The Great Juche Idea and the DPRK” in Pyongyang on 16 th April, 2012.

On the occasion of the 72 nd founding anniversary of the WPK, we launched the new website of Juche Nepal in our country. We would like to request to visit our Juche Nepal website,

I have visited many countries of the world including DPRK but I like to visit DPRK again and again.

We wish Marshal KIM JONG UN, the respected General Secretary of the Workers` Party of Korea, a good health, happiness, prosperity and long life for the fresh success in leading the Korean people to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea and achieve the final victory of the Juche cause.

The Great Comrades KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL Will Always Be with Us.

Long live the great Juche idea!

Long live our friendship!

We Send Support to DPRK People in the Efforts to Implement Resolution of Eighth Congress of the WPK

Phanindra Raj Pant

Nepal-Korea Friendship Association

The Eighth Congress of the WPK was held along with the full display of the delegates' revolutionary will to remain boundless loyal to the extraordinary ideological and theoretic wisdom and experienced leadership of the Party Central Committee and decided them to fully implement the decisions taken at the Congress and to serve the great people as in Heaven.

The 8th Congress of the WPK adopted with the unanimous approval of all its participants the resolution-"On thoroughly implementing the tasks set forth in the report on the work of the 7th WPK Central Committee" and reviewed the brilliant victories and successes achieved by WPK and people for an epochal advance of the cause of socialism for the past 5 years.

Thanks to dear Comrade KIM JONG UN, always anxious for the dignity, prosperity of the nation and its dear socialism, presented new lines of struggle and strategic and tactical policies for a breakthrough in the socialist construction.

We social and friendly organizations of Nepal studying the immortal Juche idea and Songun policy and working for strengthening the friendly relations between our two courtiers are much influenced by the great nationalist feelings of the entire people and by the leadership of the WPK.

Our study forums and social and friendly organizations should learn much from the successful 8th Congress of the WPK and conduct our activities accordingly. We are much influenced by the people-first politics of the WPK, filled with faith, devotion, repayment, and loyalty, and has strengthened the political and ideological position of the Korean revolution and Korean-style socialism centered on popular masses-first politics.

As we all know that the struggle of the heroic Korean people and the WPK to carry out the decision of the 7th Congress of the Party is an active offensive battle to open a new path for socialist construction by grasping self-reliance as a lifeline of self-esteem and self-support, as a powerful development engine overcoming all the difficulties.

It is crystal clear that the Korea was divided by the USA, the world's first nuclear power and still the imperialist forces and their allies are trying to stifle the dear socialism of the Korean people continuing with the economic blockade and sanctions on DPRK for many decades. Still the Korean people are marching ahead and ready to blast themselves to save their great leader and the dear Korean-style socialism centered on popular masses enjoying love and trust among the Party, leaders and people,

To save the fate of the revolution and the DPRK, it was rather urgent for the WPK to enhance the self-defense against the war mongers. In this context, world progressive and peace-loving people are much satisfied to know the fact that the DPRK under the direct guidance of the Party Central, the medium-range and intercontinental ballistic missile of the Hwasong Artillery series and the underwater and ground-launched ballistic missile of the Pukkuksong series were born in Korean way in accordance with the unique operational mission of the DPRK as a nuclear power, which enabled the DPRK to build a perfect nuclear shield and to solidify a strong and reliable strategic deterrent capable of responding any threat.

Thanks to the correct leadership and WPK guidance, the nuclear weapons were miniaturized, standardized and tactical weapons and the development of super-large hydrogen munitions, super sized missiles, anti-aeronautical rocket assembly, anti-armed weapons have also been developed and were completed and with great success the historical cause of the completion of the national nuclear armed forces and the realization of the great missile power has been achieved in DPRK which was most urgent for the DPRK to save its sovereignty and dignity and to build a strong socialist nation by defending the peaceful environment of the socialist construction.

The resolutions of the 8th Party Congress are a clear road map for the bright future of the DPRK and reputation of great power and prosperity at the crucial time of linking the glorious 75 year-history of the Workers' Party of Korea to the one of 80 years. It shows the deep expression of the revolutionary will of millions of Party members to achieve a new triumph of socialism by deeply cherishing once again the idea of believing in the people as in Heaven and the idea of the single-minded unity and self-reliance.

We have one proverb in English - Morning shows the Day! I want to quote the speech made by respected General Secretary His Excellency Marshal KIM JONG UN in the concluding speech of the 8th Congress, which has touched my heart. He said -"Fully aware of the sacred mission that I am representing and in charge of the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party, I solemnly pledge that I will make every effort to implement the fighting programmes put forth by the Party congress and, regarding our great people as the god of my life, work at the risk of my life as a faithful servant of the people on the road of devoted service for them."

Here lies the greatness of great leader. There are thousands of leaders in the world, but I have not heard yet such words of greatness from anyone of them, So, Comrade General Secretary KIM JONG UN is really a peerlessly great leader of the contemporary world!

There is no doubt that the Korean people under the wise guidance of such peerlessly great leader will achieve a great fresh victory on all fronts by remarkably increasing their own strength, their internal force in socialist construction.

Now the Korean people have started achieving the first year's goal within their 5-year plan. The Korean people are launching a do-or-die struggle to implement without fail the new five-year plan for the national economic development and they are concentrating their all-out efforts from now more vigorously focusing the important revolutionary task of the socialist economic construction.

Availing myself of this opportunity I sincerely extend my continuous support and solidarity to the truth-loving Korean people who are struggling hard to achieve the goal set forth by the 8th Party Congress under the superb leadership of their dear General Secretary and wish Comrade KIM JONG UN for his good health and happiness to achieve final victory of the socialist cause, the life time aspiration of great leader President KIM IL SUNG and great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL!

While celebrating the Day of the Sun, I pay my great respect to President KIM IL SUNG.

President KIM IL SUNG and Comrade KIM JONG IL will be with us forever!